Phase II In my childhood I cried, and speak to myself when shall I be free? due to So many experience of how poverty and carelessness has taken lives of people for survival sake,I have a friend who managed to invent water bycycle tested and trusted, but on the long run could not find a sponsor until he died. Another one tend to travel abroad to advance nations, when I asked him why he chose to go, he said his dream can not be nurtured in here and added who gives value to inventions? on his way to Europe by land he sold his body parts for survival on the long run he was repatriated, after his return he fell in love with HIV(aid) patients been that he sold his kidney it was difficult to survive it and so gone to land of the dead. Then there was a young lad, from Delta State in Nigeria created his own radio frequency and was using it for fun as a teen but the arrest plot taken against him made him to lose his greatness, today he sells...