Innovation means to change in customs, introducing something new may be crafty works, that is to modernize, and the sources of innovation are ideals, ideals are gotten from experience, challenges, demands, persistent hard working,.there are ordinary ideals and supernatural ideas-inspiration. In attempt to heal economic wounds and to alleviate poverty I recommend the lessons learned through the book Visionary tent, with the themes: belief, foresight, and innovation;in the Niger Delta setting, which was about development strive on the move to surmount poverty by showcasing the principal character 'Orho'whose story was written from childhood to adulthood until he deid. Here is a scene from the novel: Orho puting on a combat short, bare body and bathroom slippers with his overdosed eyes of the new drug introduced to him just few hours ago.he began with his two hands raised above his head, showing a sign of surrender. What is life? What is life for, without my flaming lig...