Innovation means to change in customs, introducing something new may be crafty works, that is to modernize, and the sources of innovation are ideals, ideals are gotten from experience, challenges, demands, persistent hard working,.there are ordinary ideals and supernatural ideas-inspiration.

In attempt to heal economic wounds and to alleviate poverty I recommend the lessons learned through the book Visionary tent, with the themes: belief, foresight, and innovation;in the Niger Delta setting, which was about development strive on the move to surmount poverty by showcasing the principal character 'Orho'whose story was written from childhood to adulthood until he deid.

Here is a scene from the novel: Orho puting on a combat short, bare body and bathroom slippers with his overdosed eyes of  the new drug introduced to him just few  hours ago.he began with his two hands raised above his head, showing a sign of surrender.
What is life?
What is life for, without my flaming light?
How long shall I suffer?
No matter what today
No God is gonna save me....

Lessons: listening to one's guts is the road to success but deviating or losing faith and drug abuse can make you lose your greatness.

These and other reasons made me to conclude by saying,we need policy driven  Economy whereby the government will do huge funding, monitoring with strictness, encourage innovators with awards even open a plateform online where the needy can receive help from investors for their said social responsibilities which Xstar.com.ng is suggesting to the federal government,to increase productivity whereby market economic will come  to play, because it increases nation's GDp a lot, that means your locally made goods or services like songs produce consume and export to other nations determine the economic power which could be achieved by sophisticated entrepreneur together with government policies by  implementing plans through budget on areas they need to face at a particular point in time.

As a result behavior is Paramount in development,if  the characters are judge by the efficient management of resources which was agreed from the onset according to the story, whereby some tend to overcome poverty with foresight others uses voilence over claimed on oil.
Lessons: without oil we can succeed as a nation, even be privileged to divisify and come out  industrialized to digital update.


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